Clinical Simulation Center

  • Mission

    To promote competent and superior healthcare professionals by providing state-of-the-art healthcare education and research using simulation technology.

  • Vision

    • To become the leader in healthcare education and research.
    • To enhance quality patient care and patient safety.

About CSC

  • Yonsei University College of Medicine Clinical Simulation Center provides spacious, state-of-the-art facility to create virtual clinical setting with various patient models and programs and implements effective communication skills training via standardized patients.
  • The current training program offers systematic clinical skills and the Center provides the program not only to medical students but to medical professionals such as doctors, nurses, and technicians.
  • The Center is in the first basement floor(B1) and the First floor(1F) of the Health System Clinical Trial Center building. The Center is around 966m² in size, fully equipped with 12 Clinical Performance Examination(CPX)/Objective Structured Clinical Examination(OSCE) rooms, 4 simulation rooms, 4 clinical skills laboratories, 1 seminar room, 1 lecture room, 2 meeting rooms, and a learning management system(realtime audio/visual recording system).
  • CPX Room
    CPX/OSCE room image
  • Simulation Room
    Simulation room image
  • Clinical Skills Laboratory
    Clinical Skills Laboratory image
  • Other Facilities
    Other Facilities image

  • Mock clinical care between participants and Standardized Patients(SP)
  • Mock clinical practice using low-to high technology simulator
  • Evaluation and feedback from observers and supervisors from an outsidecontrol center

Main Simulators

  • High technology full bodied simulators(adult/maternal/infant)
  • Resuscitation simulator(adult/kid)
  • Cardiopulmonary patient simulator

Health System Clinical Trial Center Building B1, 1F

Contact Information
Tel. +82-2-2228-0355~7 /  E-mail: