Department of Public Health

Department of Public Health


The Department of Public Health was established in the Graduate School of Yonsei University in 1967.
Its aim is to prevent disease and promote health for the entire community

Graduation Requirements

  • Master's Degree/Doctoral Degree/ Combined Program of Master and Doctoral Degrees.
    Each course has a required period of attendance and a limitation for the maximum duration of attendance.
    • (For Master's degree) Must attend at least four semesters, but the total duration should not exceed more than four calendar years
    • (For Doctoral degree) Must attend at least five semesters, but the entire period should not exceed more than seven calendar years.
    • (For Combined program) Must attend at least seven semesters, but the total duration should not exceed more than eight calendar years.
    • Must complete a minimum of 30 credits(Master and Doctoral)/ 54 credits(Combined) with an average grade score of 3.00 or higher out of 4.30.
    • Must meet adequate score over a pre-determined score of authorized English test(TOEFL, TOEIC or TEPS.)
      (Exemption: 1) Graduates of a university/college(undergraduate/graduate) in a country where English is used as the first language
      2) Students who published a first-authored English paper in an SCIE or SSCI journal)
      • Must scores satisfactory results (above 70 out of 100) on the comprehensive written examination of the two(Master) /three(Doctoral) chosen subjects from the list of courses in the Department of Public Health.
      • (For the Doctoral Degree and Combined only ) Additional requirement is needed to submit Thesis/Dissertation Proposal Requirement.
      • Must make satisfactory performance in the final defense (oral examination) in front of the thesis committee.
      • The thesis's decision is determined by a two-thirds majority vote (Master)/ four-fifths(Doctoral and Combined).
      • Must submit a thesis paper with consents from the entire thesis committee.
      • The members of the thesis committee are appointed by the Graduate Education Committee of Yonsei University.
  • Combined Program of Master and Doctoral Degrees
    • More than seven semester years but no more than eight calendar years of enrollment.
    • Completion of a minimum of 54 credits with a grade point average of 3.00 or better out of 4.30
    • Satisfactory score of authorized English test such as TOEFL, TOEIC or TEPS. (Graduates of a university/college in a country where English is the language of instruction are eligible to be exempt from the requirement. Students who published a first-authored paper in a SCIE or SSCI journal are eligible to be exempt from the requirement)
    • Satisfactory performance in comprehensive written examination in three subjects of Public Health.
    • Submission Thesis/Dissertation Proposal Requirement.
    • Satisfactory performance in the final defense (oral examinations) before the thesis committee. Any decision concerning the thesis is determined by a four-fifths majority vote.