Avison Biomedical Research Center

ABMRC is high-tech 40,229m2 area research facility that was completed
in February 2013. ABMRC strengthens global competency by successful
R&D promotion and medical industry facilitation to foster advanced
research at Yonsei University Health System.

Many excellent research teams(consisting of basic/clinical/industrial researchers), large research
centers, and Bio-companies / convergence research organizations are focusing on research in ABMRC.
They are also dedicated to the commercia-lization of their research outcomes.

Core research facilities such as Genomics center, Imaging center, high-tech operation room, and
Biosafety level-3 laboratory are currently operative.

These facilities are built to fully support research from basic science to pre­clinical tests. These decisive investments are aimed at successful commercialization and strong competency in research. ABMRC is always open to companies and researchers as a core infrastructure of Severance research-driven hospital.

Avison Biomedical Research Center image

Animal Facilities in ABMRC

  • Equipped with IVC rack and cage system (about 11,000 cages for small animals, 278 cages for large animals)
  • Animal Imaging Center : 9.4T animal MRI, Micro PET/CT, Optical in vivo imaging, MSOT and Ultrasound etc
  • BL-3(Biosafety Level-3)/ABL3 with infective animal breeding facility
  • Operating room with cutting edge equipments / Severance Robot & MIS Center

Core Facilities

  • Imaging Center : Yonsei-Carl Zeiss Advanced Imaging Center provides educational and technical support for biomedical science researchers by state of the art imaging equipments.
  • Yonsei Genomics Center
  • BL-3(Biosafety Level-3)/ABL3 with infective animal breeding facility
  • Flow Cytometry Core, Histopathology Core, Electronic Microscope Core etc.
  • core facilities image
  • core facilities image
  • core facilities image
  • core facilities image